UCF Professional MBA is Back in Sanford/Lake Mary for Fall 2015

The UCF College of Business Administration (#UCFBusiness) is offering its Professional MBA (PMBA) program at UCF’s Sanford/Lake Mary Regional Campus with classes beginning August 2015. The UCF PMBA Sanford/Lake Mary will allow professionals who live or work in Seminole and Volusia Counties to earn an AACSB International-accredited MBA degree without interrupting their careers. This will […]

#UCFBusiness Partners with UCF Engineering and Lockheed Martin to Engage Alumni

The UCF College of Business Administration (#UCFBusiness) returned to Lockheed Martin this month to engage one of the region’s largest employers. “Our alumni are very busy people- often working more than 50 hours a week, so it can be hard for them to come out to an alumni event after work. The Corporate Knight Talk […]

Behavioral ethics: New frontiers

  Marshall Schminke, Ph.D. Ethics has emerged as one of the most critical issues facing organizations and the people who work in them. Ethics scandals plague not only profit-seeking organizations, but those with political, religious, athletic, environmental, and social goals as well. Scholarly interest in ethical issues has grown in recent years, with numerous new […]

Better than ever? Employee reactions to ethical failures in organizations, and the ethical recovery paradox

  Maureen Ambrose, Ph.D. This research examines organizational attempts to recover internally from ethical failures witnessed by employees. Drawing on research on service failure recovery, relationship repair, and behavioral ethics, we investigate how witnessing unethical acts in an organization impacts employees and their relationship with their organization. In two studies—one in the lab and one […]

The 52-Week High Strategy Momentum and Overreaction in Large Firm Stocks

  Ray Sturm, Ph.D. Prior studies have documented momentum profits to stock portfolios formed from 52-week highs in prices. This article primarily examines the pattern of returns to portfolios formed from other highs besides the 52-week high and from the time interval between current prices and the prior high. This study finds evidence suggesting that […]

Racism still evident in sports world

  Richard Lapchick, Ph.D. 2014 has been a year of intense discussion about race in America. The shootings of unarmed African-Americans by police and the subsequent grand jury decisions in the cases of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner on Staten Island, New York, have set off a series of debates about the […]