Students Share Their Stories about the Benefits of Attending the 2015 Hall of Fame
by Jessica Greene
This year, the UCF College of Business Administration (#UCFBusiness) Hall of Fame event opened its doors to 28 nervous and excited students. The event gave these students the opportunity to network with the most elite alumni from the college and show them what they might be able to accomplish in the years ahead.
The students were selected in an online contest that asked them come up with three thought-provoking questions they would ask a Hall of Fame member. In addition, they were asked to select three current Hall of Fame members and provide some information on their roles and accomplishments.
The campaign was promoted by the #UCFBusiness Ambassadors and 75 students submitted applications for the contest.
“It was frustrating to learn that students don’t know much about our Hall of Fame,” said Paul Jarley, Ph.D., dean of the college. “So, we cooked up a way to give some engaging students a chance to get out of their comfort zones, earn a seat at the table and have a conversation with a Hall of Fame member. One of the primary purposes of the event is to show students what is possible and inspire them to ‘get to the one.’”
Before attending the event, many of the students were unsure how a group of distinguished alumni would act toward a group of college students they had never met.
They had little to worry about. Alumni delighted in sharing their hard-won wisdom about the importance of learning from failure and taking advantage of the unique benefits of a university setting.
The night also gave one student a tangible takeaway. Lionel Galvez met Hall of Fame member Andy Titen, CEO of Bisk Education. They connected after realizing they had both wanted to be surgeons. Both had decided they were more passionate about the business sector and working in higher management. Titen shared his insights on how to stay inspired in a large company.
Following the Hall of Fame, Galvez met Titen for lunch in Tampa to tour Bisk Education. With encouragement from Titen, Galvez applied for, and was ultimately accepted in, the summer internship program there.
What started out as an outlet for students to learn about the Hall of Fame turned into a motivating force for students to follow their dreams.
Student Testimonials:
“My inductee contact from the Hall of Fame was Andrew Titen, CEO of Bisk Education. We both had a great story to share; we both wanted to be a surgeon but later in our career we realized that we were passionate and motivated about business and building a lasting relationship with customers, ultimately reaching our dream of higher management. I learned how he aligned organization activities with the company’s core values, and how he managed team motivation when the corporation got larger. He mentioned that as a corporation gets larger, there is a tendency for inspiration to be dampened (something very hard to manage). To keep this from happening, he offers plenty of support, coaching and encouragement to keep everyone satisfied and happy to work for Bisk. He rewards them, and acknowledges their work and gives feedback so employees feel they are not alone.
I had the honor to meet with Andrew Titen for lunch. He gave me a tour of both Bisk campuses in Tampa, and connected me with several important executives and managers there. After the tour, I followed up with them because Mr. Titen encouraged me to apply for an internship when I left his office. The next day, he introduced me to the senior recruiter through email and forwarded her my resume. To finish up, I got offered an internship in marketing for this summer!”
“I personally thought the experience was quite intriguing and fun. Without the college giving me the chance to enter and win the contest, I would never have had the opportunity to meet so many of these distinguished individuals. All of them had great, informative advice that I plan to carry forward with me in my future. All of the Hall of Fame members were friendly and had a unique story about how they achieved their success. My goal was to take pieces from each person’s story to help guide me as I create my own story on my path to success.
I would really like to have more opportunities to connect with these accomplished alumni because they all have valuable information that I can try to apply to my future endeavors.
I want to thank everyone within the College of Business who made it possible for me to have the opportunity to attend the event. I really do appreciate it and I am honored that I was selected.”
“My Hall of Fame member was Jeff Lehman, and although I was unable to find him the entire night, I finally spotted him at the end of the speeches and was able to sit and talk with him for a while. Actually…more than a while. We ended up being the last people to leave, even after the DeLorean had made its exit! I didn’t realize how late it was until my roommate texted me asking if I was coming home anytime soon.
Mr. Lehman was so easy to talk to and really understood how our minds work at this stage in our life. We have a million questions and concerns about our future and we aren’t paying enough attention to the present. He expressed the importance of gaining experience through everything you do.
Going into that night I didn’t know what to expect. I was nervous, excited, and worried about how the Hall of Famers would act towards us. When I started talking to them, I began to realize that these successful entrepreneurs are just people. They are people who went the extra step and accomplished everything they set their mind to. And when they didn’t, they didn’t let it stop them. Most of the people I spoke to explained how failure was the most important driver of their success.
I enjoyed this experience and I am so thankful for the opportunities it presented me with. I met some amazing people and have kept in touch with a few still.”
“The Hall of Fame gala was an amazing experience. I got matched with Therese Gearhart at the event instead of Olga Calvet. However, I had the honor to talk with both of them. I learned that UCF truly stands for opportunities, but most importantly I was inspired by their passion in helping college students. It makes me want to work harder towards my dream and become successful like them so that someday I can give back.”
“I had a wonderful and memorable experience at the Hall of Fame event. It was a great networking opportunity. From my conversations with Thomas Bland, Jr., Lois Adams, Todd Bowers and Therese Gearhart, I came to understand that dedication, discipline, networking and performance really matter to be successful in today’s professional world. Most importantly, their histories convinced me that succeeding professionally is possible but I have to make it happen – gather the knowledge and skills necessary, expand my social network and be dedicated to follow my dreams.
I think that the night was a revelation for me – it revived, re-energized and inspired me to dream and accomplish big things. I only hope that there will be more opportunities for students to learn from our alumni and even be mentored by them.”
“The honorees inspired me in many ways. I mostly spoke with Therese and she just sparked me with wonderful insights that I can utilize for my career path. I learned that being a mother, wife and president of Coca-Cola is not an easy job but being able to manage the time while making a difference is just incredible. Not only did we have a wonderful conversation, I was able to obtain her business card to further discuss my externship project that I plan on doing this summer.
I was able to network with many different alumni and businesses which was pretty interesting! I gained a lot of insights especially with their experiences in college and what they would’ve changed if they could go back in time. My favorite answer was that to be engaged while in college is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It made me appreciate ‘now’ more.
I want to thank Dean Jarley, Lonny Butcher, and everyone else for making this happen. Opening this event to students is a phenomenal experience. That night will mark my memory forever. That is how much of an impact it made on me and I am sure it did the same for other students too! Please do continue this opportunity for students.”
“The Hall of Fame event was not only memorable, but also quite a unique gathering. From getting to sit in a DeLorean to taking selfies with Dean Jarley, the atmosphere was phenomenal. The opportunity of having current students connect with distinguished alumni is yet another example of what sets UCF apart from other universities. We are continually inspired to ‘get to the one’ and become the professionals we strive to become. I spoke with Mark Plaumann and asked about his philanthropic endeavors. What resonated with me the most is that he said, ‘It’s all about the kids. The kids are the future.’ It’s inspiring to see people who were once in my shoes, become the individuals they are today and give back to the university that has given us all so much.”
“I spoke with Olga Calvet at the event. One of the first things I asked her was how she does it all: working, family and lots of volunteer work. She started to laugh and said, “Well, not very well.” I’m sure she was being modest, but hearing her say that made me realize that although these are amazing individuals, they’re also human. I felt like I could relate to her.
I also spoke with Therese Gearhart. She is truly one of the most inspirational women I have ever met. She said that she has a ‘no regret policy’ and that she chooses to take every decision she makes and learn from it in order to move forward, instead of dwelling on what could have gone differently. This really stuck with me. I think that in order to be happy in life it is necessary to have an attitude like this. Learn and move on. Always look forward. I loved hearing her talk about her family and how she has been able to balance moving a family around the world with becoming one of Coca-Cola’s top leaders. She is a phenomenal example of how women really can pursue careers and have families, and be awesome at both!”
“Being a part of the Hall of Fame event was such a great experience. Therese [Gearhart] was amazing and I can never forget all of the other people who I got the chance to network with there. I learned so much from all of the Hall of Fame guests. At first it was really intimidating but after I started talking to one, others started introducing themselves. Even while seated at the dinner table I was challenged and learn some ways to be a true CFO and leader from people who were CEOs and CFOs. Therese really inspired me because of her humble personality and her experience as being a woman in a leadership role in a totally different culture. It just motivated me and showed me that it’s possible to do basically anything you set your mind to. I really did have a wonderful time and hopefully will be doing this again next semester if I get the chance to attend.”
“At the day of the event I was honored to seat next to Mr. Anthony Thornton and his lovely wife Jackie. They made me feel very comfortable and they were eager to hear my questions. What I liked the most about Mr. Thornton’s answers was the fact that he was very honest. He showed me that, besides being a successful professional, he also had to deal with family/work balance, and things of that sort. He cared about my interests and my career goals, and he offered to help me in any way he could. We are currently communicating through email, and he has given me a great deal of advice.
The experience was great in so many ways. First, I felt part of something bigger. I really liked the interaction that I experienced between the different professionals and the students that attended the event. It also inspired me to set my career goals higher, because all of those awesome professionals that I saw there who were once in my shoes. And last, it made me even more proud to be a College of Business student. I hope one day I can pay it forward, by being the one sitting there with a student who asks me questions about my career path and I can be the one that inspires them.”
“Unfortunately, I was unable to speak with my designated Hall of Fame member for more than a minute or so. He sat at another table with his other company. However, I was able to have wonderful conversations with the members of his company that I did sit with. They were able to offer wonderful information about what their company does.
The small pre-party was the most beneficial time to me. It gave me the chance to connect with professors, past inductees and honored alumni.”
“Thank you for the opportunity to attend the Hall of Fame event! I did get the opportunity to talk with many attendees – especially students. This event showed me just how ambitious our students are. They’re so excited to join the business world and to get their feet wet, and they have so many bright ideas about how to make their way. I was truly inspired by how driven my fellow students are, and I learned a great deal about passion from them that night. ”